

1. 打招呼/问候/寒暄:

  • “Hello! How are you today?” (你好!你今天好吗?)
  • “Good morning/afternoon/evening.” (早上好/下午好/晚上好。)
  • “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (很高兴见到您。)
  • “How has your day been so far?” (您今天过得怎么样?)

2. 自我介绍/介绍公司优势:

  • “I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We specialize in [briefly describe your company’s expertise].” (我是[你的名字],来自[你的公司]。我们专注于[简要描述你公司的专业领域]。)
  • “Our company has a strong track record in [mention a specific area of expertise] and we take pride in delivering high-quality products/services.” (我们公司在[提到一个具体的专业领域]方面有着良好的业绩,我们以提供高质量的产品/服务为傲。)

3. 产品介绍:

  • “Let me show you some of our best-selling products.” (让我向您展示一些我们畅销的产品。)
  • “This is our latest product, which offers [mention key features or benefits].” (这是我们最新的产品,具有[提到关键特点或优势]。)
  • “Our products are known for their durability and reliability.” (我们的产品以其耐用性和可靠性而著称。)

4. 报价/还价:

  • “We can offer you a competitive price of [mention price] for this product.” (我们可以为您提供这个产品的竞争性价格,价格为[提到价格]。)
  • “Is there room for negotiation on the price?” (价格方面是否有谈判的余地?)
  • “If you place a larger order, we can offer you a bulk discount.” (如果您下大单,我们可以提供批量折扣。)

5. 付款/合同:

  • “Our payment terms are [mention payment terms].” (我们的付款条件是[提到付款条件]。)
  • “Once we agree on the terms, we can proceed to draft the contract.” (一旦我们就条款达成一致,我们可以继续起草合同。)
  • “We accept various payment methods, including [mention payment methods].” (我们接受各种付款方式,包括[提到付款方式]。)

6. 感谢/道别:

  • “Thank you for your time and consideration.” (感谢您的时间和考虑。)
  • “It was a pleasure talking to you. Have a great day!” (和您交谈很愉快。祝您有个美好的一天!)
  • “We look forward to the possibility of working together.” (我们期待着有机会共同合作。)

7. 未成交、后续跟进:

  • “If you need more time to make a decision, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.” (如果您需要更多时间做决定,请随时联系我们,提出任何问题。)
  • “We will follow up with you after the exhibition to discuss further.” (展会结束后,我们会跟进,进一步讨论。)
  • “Even if we don’t make a deal today, we appreciate the opportunity to connect and explore potential collaboration in the future.” (即使我们今天没有达成交易,我们感谢有机会建立联系,并探讨将来潜在的合作机会。)

往期干货:外贸业务员的跟进秘籍:让订单快速成交! (pintreel.com)



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